“Energy – The ability of one system to do work on another system.” [Concise Encyclopedia [1]]
“In general, the word energy refers to a concept that can be paraphrased as “the potential for causing changes”, therefore one can say that energy is the cause of any change.” [Wikipedia]
Saving YOU time and effort to get relevant information, consequently hopefully result in change [to the better].
I.e., the newsletter is not limited to energy per the natural sciences definition but we’ll explore anything that can save you time, make you or your operations more efficient and productive.
- In Natural Sciences:
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Meteorology
- Geology
- Astronomy and cosmology
- In Society:
- Economics
- Environment
- Exploration and research
- Management
- Politics
- Production
- Transportation
- Warfare
- Forms (1) and inter-relations:
- Kinetic
- Potential
- Light
- Transformation of energy
- Forms (2):
- Chemical
- Elastic
- Electrical, Magnetic
- Gravitational
- Mechanical
- Nuclear
- Radiant
- Thermal
- Units [W] (a few examples):
- ‘Full loop’:
- Development [W]
(sources, production, generation) - Storage [W]
- Distribution
- Consumption [W]
- Renewable energy [W]
- Development [W]
- Miscellaneous
- Negative energy [W]
- Positive Energy – J&P!
- Conservation of energy [W]
- Einstein’s E=mc2 [W]
[W]=Wikipedia article
1 Joule = 1 newton-metre* ~ 6.24×1018 eV. 1 kWh = 3.6 MJ ~ 3410 Btu. 1 Btu ~ 1055 J ~ 0.00029 kWh. (1000 Btu = 0.29 kWh). (1 man-hour = one man or woman working for one hour. Let us get back to you on the subject on conversions into other units…)
* “meter” vs. “metre”: As it happens, Sweden and US [English] both uses “meter” whereas British English uses “metre” (SI definitions uses British English. More on American and British English differences, on meter.
[1] Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, Third Ed, McGraw-Hill (1994) ISBN 0-07-045560-0. 2241 pages – yes, it is that many pages – filled with just great stuff. (2241 letter-sized pages, 8.25 cm / 3 1/4 inch thick, weight close to 5 kg / >10 lbs. Buy latest at Amazon – 5th Ed, $150, price indication, Oct ’06)
See an example newsletter – Sun 2006-10-29 – Power and Communication Special. (old.jandp)
A little bit on our history – on communicating information and saving energy
1984 | First Macintosh – hey, that was savings! (Mentally, increased productivity) |
1985-1986 | (J) Military: special assignment – information- and communications- related (Was “Ledningsgruppbefäl” in Swedish) |
1986-1987 | (J) Chairman of the Information Committee (“Informationsutskottets ordförande” in Swedish) at Teknologkåren at the University of Luleå. Responsible for information and marketing to technology students at the university. |
1990-1996 | (J) Working as consultant, including teaching, lots of marketing, sales, and other information-oriented activities. |
1997 | Started USA Rapport (Swedish for ‘USA Report’) – a Swedish-only newsletter for friends over in Scandinavia. Also started J&P Nytt (‘J&P News’) – printed magazine created in FrameMaker (See Friends of J&P for general information including evolution of newsletters over the years.) |
2000 | (J) Hot gas tools from SSD Innovation – saving lots of energy (90%)! Idea for an Energy Saver newsletter / publication / document(s) started, early ideas for logo. |
2005 | Design of logotype restarted briefly but then faded away again – too much else w/ higher priorities. |
2006 | Distributed The Energy Saver * Sunday 2006-10-29 issue to a selected few. To start getting feedback. |
2020 | Start moving JandP.biz to a content management system. To simply using it as an advanced notebook, including access from everywhere (yes, also mobile devices) and search capability. |
(J) indicate J in J&P.
- Try to compiled and distribute fairly periodically – maybe monthly. (The whole Energy Saver newsletter is a side-activity performed in weekends and late evenings, in spare time.)
- Have different themes – e.g. Power, Communication, Business Development, Personal Efficiency, Co-operative work, et cetera.
- High on the priority list is to re-create subscription service worked on earlier, or find something out there. (Free, easy to use; security and protection of personal information is high on list of requirements).
- Subscriber survey, collect feedback, for improvements, any change of scope, format, contents