Office Suites (SW)


Overview of Office Suites

iWork suite
Workspace suite
Office apps1
ex. of Open Source
Cost Free, std install on every macOS, iOS and iPadOS -device At cost, get license from Google At cost, get license from Microsoft Free
OS: macOS support Yes (SA+Web) Yes (Web) Yes (SA+Web) Yes (SA)
OS: MS Windows support Yes (Web only) Yes (Web) Yes (SA+Web) Yes (SA)
OS: Linux support Yes (Web only) Yes (Web) Yes (SA+Web) Yes (SA)
Rt: Standalone apps Yes (macOS & iOS only) No…2 Yes (the ‘SA’) Yes
Rt: Web-based Yes (the ‘Web’) Yes (the ‘Web’) Yes (the ‘Web’) No
Word processing app Pages Docs (Web) MS Word Writer
Spreadsheet app Numbers Sheets (Web) MS Excel Calc
Presentation app Keynote Slides (Web) MS PowerPoint Impress
more OneNote
Cloud drive service iCloud Google Drive OneDrive No (Our  Search section has some more on cloud file services)


OS: Which operating systems are support, what OSs you can use office suite on. Standalone application(s) (‘SA’) and/or Web-based (in web browser).
Rt: Runtime – here refer to if there is a standalone application variant (that is then downloaded and running locally, desktop) or web-based with a client-server architecture (web-browser being a (more or less thin) client).

1) MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint is primary focus here. There are other applications in different MS Office Suite packages of which some are also working on other platforms than MS Windows.
2) No standalone applications can be a lot bigger issue for some users than than others, for a few different reasons:
* Not necessary heavy office apps (‘Word/Excel/PowerPoint’) users but anyone that is writing documents, doing calculations / retrieving data in spreadsheets, maybe also working on presentation(s) at the same time, and getting information from various web-based resources, thus continuously  jumping in between applications (command-tab and command-shift-tab on macOS, alt-tab and alt-shift-tab on MS Windows, and correspondingly in Linux).
Very different workflow, process, or jumping between apps versus jumping in between many different web browser windows!
* Degree and easiness of working off-line, without access to Internet – both documents and software (like Docs, Sheets, and Slides from Google)




Spreadsheets Offline / Online


Standard Use Web browser > Dropbox shared link
Excel file, on desktop Full R/W using Excel app.
100% formatting e tc.