New Mac


  1. OS installation / reinstallation
  2. Initial setting up
    1. User name, password
    2. Localization, time zone, date- and time formats, …..
  3. Computer Name
    (System Preferences > Sharing)
  4. Display tweaks
    1. External+Internal, primary, Extended display
      (System Preferences > Displays)
    2. Screen saver
      (System Preferences > Desktop & Screen Saver: Hot Corners…)
  5. Keyboard tweaks (1)
    1. Swap keys: Command-swap-Option, Option-swap-Command
      (System Preferences > Keyboard : Keyboard – tab: Modified Keys…)
    2. Add keyboards (Eng, Spa, Swe, …)
      (System Preferences > Keyboard : Input Sources – tab)
    3. Change / fix key for changing keyboard source
      (System Preferences > Keyboard : Shortcuts  – tab; us Ctrl+Space, Alt+Ctrl+Space )
  6. Localization (more, during Initial setup, often not getting into sufficient level, here is)
    (System Preferences > Language & Region)

    1. General:
      1. 24-Hour time
      2. Temperature in Celcius
    2. Advanced button:
      1. General
        1. Measurement units: Metric
        2. First day of week: Monday
      2. Dates
        1. YY….MM…DD
      3. Times
        1. HH..MM..SS
  7. Watch-login
    (System Preferences > Security & Privacy> Use ypir Apple Watch to unlock…)
  8. Download a few basics applications no later than at this step
    1. Google Chrome (Dl from web site) – incl. setting up Sync, to get access to browser history also on this new computer
    2. Dropbox (Dl from web site), incl. setting up Sync. Minimum something like:
      1. [Dropbox]/Office – Local (! – and NOT Online Only; NEED tools locally)
    3. Spark (email, DL from App store)
  9. Setting up email…
    1. Mail app
      1. Each account must be set up manually (individually)
    2. Spark app
      1. ONE login, primary, then loads all other accounts automatically
  10. Keyboard tweaks (2)
    1. Ergo 4000
      (LIKELY HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL Apps in Dropbox / Apps have been downloaded)

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