Graphic source:
Power Conservation
Via 2021-02-16 10.44.06 1231396 FW- [Mpumlist] Severe Weather Update:
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2021 10:14 AM
Cc: District 9 <>
Subject: Severe Weather Update
“Attached are tips for staying warm in instances with no or limited heat. If you do have power, please conserve it by:
- Turning down your thermostat to 68 degrees
- Closing shades and blinds to reduce the amount of heat lost through windows
- Turning off and unplugging non-essential lights and appliances
- Avoid using large appliances (ovens, washing machines, etc.)
- Businesses should minimize the use of electric lighting and electricity consuming equipment as much as possible
- Large consumers of electricity should consider shutting down or reducing non-essential production processes. “
Texas Gas Service, email, Feb 17
Date: 2021-02-17 13.27.32
Subject: ❗️Wednesday Update- Severe Winter Weather❗️
Infographic from link mentioned above:
2021-02-23 15.00.41 1232627 🔹Tuesday Update – Addressing Your Questions on Higher Bills🔹