This page is about efforts to formalize different levels of curation, et c.
- Example, to discuss materials, individual media and/or sets of media in term like:
- Curation: C00, = uncurated level 0, very much raw materials w/o any work done what so ever, aside shooting it.
- Resolution: A90, = analog media with quality corresponding to 1990s.
- on workflow of media in 7 phases: 1.Capture, 2.Collate, 3.Organize, 4.Curate, 5.Share, 6.Archive, 7.Find
Note: the short URL – located directly under the root – for short format and to allow for easy and somewhat discrete use in references, in docs, emails, et c.
Curation Levels – C00, C01, C1, …
Coo (C-zero-zero) and C01 (C-zero-one) are essentially raw materials with possibly limited time spent on removing obvious similar-looking, closed-eyes, et c shots.
“Curation Levels” | ||||||
Level: | C00 | C01 | C1 | C2 | C3 | C… |
Short Name: | Uncurated 0 | Uncurated 1 | Basic Curation | Minor Curation | Details Curation | … |
Applies to: | Set of media | Set of media | Set of media | Inside media file | Inside media file | |
Where: | File system | File system | File system | Tools (Apps) | Tools (Apps) | |
Description: | Completely raw shots, including lots of similar shots, for handling blinking people, … | At least some efforts to remove ‘duplicates’ and obviously bad media | Made an at least somewhat more serious effort to remove ‘duplicates’, narrowing down media to a set of media we want to keep. (On set of files, not inside any media itself.) | Of/inside media file itself, using some tool, for tweaking some aspect(s), like sharpen/soften, modify brightness, contrast, colors – tweaks on whole photo/frame. | Of/inside media file itself, using some tool, for tweaking some details – removing/fixing red-eyes, remove some glares, et c. | (For possibly future use) |
Time spent on curation: | Zero | Seconds to minutes | More like minutes to even 10s of minutes. | |||
Workflow Phase | ————– | ————– | ————– | ————– | ————– | |
1.Capture Shoot media |
√ (“Day 1”) |
√ (“Day 1”) |
(Sometimes may happen, despite typically small screen) | (Some may happen, e.g. turn media 90 deg.) | (So far extremely rare, as prefer working on computer w larger screen) | |
TRY to NOT allow C00… | Make effort to APPLY C01! | ### | ### | ### | ||
2.Collate | No curations during collation, gathering of media. Of course. Some examples of processes: Apple eco system: Automatic (incl. deletions, edits and propagated bi-directionally) Dropbox -“-: Typically have to open (iOS) app to transfer media into eco system) GoPro: more complicated… |
3.Organize Folders… |
√ (“Day 1+”) |
√ (“Day 1+”) |
I.e. in process of organizing media into folders, curation C01 and C1 may be performed | ||||||
4.Curate Cleanups |
√ (“Day n+”) |
√ (“Day n+”) |
√ (“Day n+”) |
5.Share Make Accessible |
Share C1 (Most common in 2024) |
Share C2 (Relatively rare, in 2024) |
Share C3 (Relatively rare, in 2024) |
6.Archive (Internal) |
7.Find… (Internal) |
MQ.R Media Quality Resolution (Indication) Levels
(See The J&P Private Collection (/mlabs/collection/) for examples of use.)
More of embryo to ideas, more WIP (Work In Progress) TR! ###
- Axxs and Dxxs: idea to indicate resolution based on time era where xx is decades
- Analog: 1800s, …
- Digital: 2000s, and so on
- Dy…M: idea for indicated quality on digital materials using actual resolution info, like
- D0,3M = for 0.3MP
But… older materials, with Analog indications can be a little bit better at giving at least some some hint of quality but digital materials are more difficult. Especially actual resolution indications. A D48M (48MP) doesn’t need to be any better what so ever than a good 12MP or even 8MP but depend so much more on quality of camera or smartphone. Why era-indications may still be a better indicator.
### Resolution levels, Sharing levels
Designation(s) | Description | xx |
A18s | Analog media shot in/around (later) 1800s | |
A19s | Analog media shot in/around (earlier) 1900s | |
A40s..A90s | Analog media shot in later decades in 1900s, e.g. use A40 to indicate 1940s, A90 in the 1990s. | |
D00s | Digital medias from the 2000s (2000..2009) but more refer to earlier years of the decade, like 2000, 2001, 2002. The kind of Initial/Beginning years of digital photography. (For us.) |
D05, D09, D23,… |
Digital medias from device from 2005 era, from 2009 era, and so on. | |
D0.3M | Digital media around 0.3MP, (e.g.) 640×480 (e.g. Treo 600 (2003) Treo 650 (2004)) | |
D1.3M | Digital media around 1.3MP, (e.g.) 1280×960, 1280×1024 | |
D5M | Digital media around 5MP (e.g. 2560×1920, 2592×1944 like Canon PowerShot SD450 (2005) | |
D8M | Digital media around 8MP (e.g. 3264×2448 like Apple iPhone 4S (2011) | |
D12M | Digital media around 12MP (e.g. 4000×3000, 2592×1944 like Canon PowerShot SD780 (2009) Apple iPhone6s (4032×3024) .., iPhone 12/Pro, iPhone 13/Pro |
D48M | Digital media around 48MP (e.g. 8064 x 6048 like iPhone 14 Pro (2022) |
WIP! TR! ### Sharing Levels / or What To Call It
More advanced forms of Curation, with ADDITION and/or REMOVAL of meta info, et c.
- Timestamp info: Add / Remove / Correct
- Geoloc info: Add / Remove / Correct
- Description info/CC: Add (unlikely to have any part of media files themselves, at least in June 2024 when write on this section)